Chasing The Wind Episode 6 – Government

In episode six of Chasing the Wind, Avi and I talk about government, prompted by a Neil Gaiman essay about the crisis in Syria.



Download the episode: Chasing The Wind Episode 6 – Government


Chasing The Wind Episode 5 – World Building

New Blog! is the successor to

In the fifth episode of Chasing the Wind, we build a world from scratch and start to fill it with story ideas.

This is hands down my favorite episode so far.



Download the episode: Chasing The Wind Episode 5 – World Building


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Chasing The Wind Episode 4 – Legacy

New Blog! is the successor to

In the fourth episode of Chasing the Wind, Avi and I discuss the making of things, including things we want to make, maker spaces, how to learn to make, and safety when making.


Download the episode: Chasing The Wind Episode 4 – Making


Podcast home:

Chasing The Wind Episode 3 – Legacy

In the third episode of my podcast with Avi, we discuss what it means to have a legacy, how it can inform your daily choices, the legacies of some modern day people, and how legacy has changed as a motivation in scientific work.

Of the thirteen episodes we’ve recorded so far, I think this is my second favorite. I feel like I learned things while recording this.


Download the episode: Chasing The Wind Episode 3 – Accessibility


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Theoretical yield (biology/chemistry)

Chasing The Wind Episode 2 – Organization

My friend Avi and I are (still) making a podcast!

The podcast is about everything. Test audiences have reacted positively.

We crosspost to

The second episode is about organization – the systems we use to organize things in our lives, and how we might make improvements.

Credit goes to Avi for making the podcast with me, setting up the distribution system, and writing most of the descriptions and reference lists.


Download the episode: Chasing The Wind – Episode 2 – Organization



Chasing The Wind Episode 1 – Accessibility

My friend Avi and I are making a podcast!

The podcast is about everything. Test audiences have reacted positively.

We’ve been recording for a while to build up a buffer, and we have enough to go public. We’ll post episodes approximately when we feel like it.

The first episode is about accessibility – how to make things easy for other people to use, understand, and consume. In this episode we discuss how to make things accessible to many people, whether this is a good idea, and who does it well. In an effort to make things more accessible, we are including a list of references with every episode so folks can understand what we’re talking about!

This is my first experience making and posting shared content. It’s pretty fun! Credit goes to Avi for making the podcast with me, setting up the distribution system, and writing most of the descriptions and reference lists.


Download the episode: Chasing The Wind Episode 1 – Accessibility



Slate Star Codex article on reversing advice you hear

Yegge article